Blogs & VLogs
Video vlogs
Tabletop Empire - on this channel you can find: Actual Plays for SWRPG, educational content, interviews, product reviews, and more!
SWRPG Guides - GM tips, rules overviews, and beginner guides
SteveisBoard - product reviews and career overviews
OneCritWonder - Rules tutorials and other helpful stuff for the Star Wars RPG
Runeslinger - Reviews and how-to's for Star Wars RPG
Written Blogs
Kainrath's Blog - regular creations of SWRPG cards and exquisite homebrew for your table
GMLovlie's Cubicle - regular posts, rule deep dives, and homebrew additions to SWRPG
Tales from the Edge of the Empire - by Nate, regular reviews, content adds, and campaign reports
Nytwyng's Blog (mySWRPG) - regular homebrew postings, adversaries, and more
This IS the blog you're looking for - reviews, content, so many goodies. Last updated 2018
Triumph & Despair - incredible resources for GMs. Last updated 2017
Peter Thompson's Blog - adventures, generators, deckplans. No longer updated, but great. Last updated 2016
SW:EotE Homebrew - largely outdated, but a small collection of homebrew adversaries and gear. Last updated 2013