About Us
This website started as a community concerted effort and response to the closing of the Fantasy Flight Games' forums in January 2021. This community was built by the administrators of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Star Wars RPG / SWRPG) Discord server to house content, resources, and new discussion for FFG's prolific RPG series. The brunt of the content is made up from contributions to the FFG forum, submissions to the #game-resources channel in the Discord, and other collected and bookmarked resources by our contributors over the years.
Please feel free to share the site with anyone you know who is into the hobby.
We will never run ads, but are paying out of pocket for server and domain costs (roughly $15/month). If you would like to support the site, please consider subscribing on Patreon.
Get in Touch
Email: starwarsrpgdiscord@gmail.com
Twitter: @swrpgcommunity
Instagram: @swrpg
Discord: @Marlow#4067 or @LittlestMinish#0356
The initial idea for the layout and much of the content of this website was derived directly from DND-Compendium.com. Our community website would not be nearly as feature-complete or as organized were it not for their lighting the torch and leading the way. As this website becomes a nexus of stored content for our wonderful community, DND-Compendium has been there for some time for DND5e and others. Consider supporting them in paying their server costs, as they provide such a crucial service to their community, and ours.